A multidisciplinary construction and property company based in the East Midlands has used SterlingOSB ZeroPrimedPlus, from West Fraser, for the hoardings around one of its latest residential projects, close to Derby City Centre. The company's procurement & estimating manager, Lewis Sloan, commented: "As part of the Berry Group, we offer construction and development expertise to clients ranging from homeowners to sub-contractors and property developers with tailored packages that can take a project from conception through to final completion. In the case of Slack Lane, The Berry Group is the client for a student accommodation project with 44 study bedrooms across ground, first and second floors, while Berry Construction is carrying out the work and INCO providing all the construction management and consultancy services in which we specialise.
"Over the years, we have purchased standard OSB and rollered it white before spraying on our logos using stencils or applying transfers. Then, our Travis Perkins representative brought the West Fraser product to our attention. We regard hoardings as an important part of our branding: not just for the impression it creates with the local public, but also the trade contractors and other parties who visit the site during the build programme. Not only does the SterlingOSB Zero PrimedPlus present a smarter finish, but from a visual perspective it does what the company claims and stays smart for longer and we expect we will be able to reuse most of the panels on other jobs without any redecoration unless, for example, the project sponsors change." https://uk.westfraser.com
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